“Samsung is now in its eight year of being a proud supporter of Safer Internet Day and a partner with Internet Matters since 2019. We are committed to continuing the collaborative work we do to help inspire and enable parents and guardians to have the most important of conversations with their children around staying safe online. We want families to be able to use the tools and resources available to them to make sure they can navigate the online world safely and in a protected space.
Being a parent of young children myself, I know this is an important moment in time around a child’s education about being safe online, with the rise of social media platforms, increasing use of AI and the expanded reach of the internet in everyday life. We must all do more to help our children navigate this moment safely. As a technology company, we have a responsibility to build online safety into our products and will continue to ensure our innovations have a positive impact on society as a whole.
We look forward to continuing to work hard in this space and together with our partners, achieve the aim to build a safer, more secure internet for everyone.”

Annika Bizon
