Professionals and parents
Working with children and young people with SEND
These resources provide topics and suggestions for starting and having discussions with neurodiverse young people about their online experiences. The films explore the challenges that neurodiverse young people may face online with regards to rigid thinking, discerning who or what is truthful online and situations that can lead to strong emotions.
Consider what is ‘true’ online
Managing strong emotions
Challenging rigid thinking
Parents and carers – Challenges
Parents and carers – Strategies to support
Supported by DCMS
New Guidance: Best Practices for Managing Images and Videos on School Websites
The UKSIC has released guidance to help educational institutions protect students and staff from potential misuse of digital media.
UK Safer Internet Centre welcomes the enforcement of Ofcom’s Illegal Harms Codes but there are still significant gaps to address
The UKSIC welcomes Ofcom’s enforcement on the Illegal Harms Codes, marking a significant milestone in protecting individuals from illegal harms…
10 Years of the Revenge Porn Helpline: A Call for Stronger Protections
The Revenge Porn Helpline has now been running for 10 years and the need for stronger protections is more important…
Still have questions?
Maybe one of our helplines is the right place for you.
Online issues
Be in the know
You’ll get knowledge, skills and tools to make the internet safer
for young people at your care. Each sent once per month.