“As Children’s Commissioner, I speak to thousands of children and young people about the issues impacting their lives, and one of the biggest issues young people tell me about is online safety. Children and young people are hugely aware of the numerous benefits of the online world can bring to their lives. Never before has a generation been so well-informed and connected to one another, but I hear too often from too many children and young people that they are seeing really disturbing material and that they feel vulnerable online.
“Children and young people want to step up to the plate and understand the risks they face being online. Parents and carers need to ensure that they speak to children and young people in an age-appropriate way about what they might see online. I want tech companies need to take responsibility for their young service users and take immediate action to keep our children safe on their platforms from online harm. If we all work together, we can make the online world a more positive space for young people.”  

Dame Rachel de Souza

Children’s Commissioner for England