Jeremy Miles, The Minister for Education and Welsh Language
I’m pleased that the Welsh Government is an official supporter of Safer Internet Day again this year. Keeping our children and young people safe online is an extremely important and complex issue which has quickly become one of the greatest challenges of our generation.
Respect is fundamental to being a good digital citizen. Our Safer Internet Day Film Competition this year, ‘Respect me. My internet, my rights’, challenged children and young people to create films which highlighted the importance of being respectful, and their right to be respected online. We are also committed to ensuring that children and young people in Wales are given opportunities to learn about their rights and the rights of others.
A huge amount of work has already been undertaken across Wales, as outlined in our Enhancing Digital Resilience in Education action plan for children and young people. The Keeping safe online area on our Hwb platform for learning and teaching provides families, education practitioners, professionals and governors with the latest resources, information and guidance to enhance their digital resilience.”
Safer Internet Day is a fantastic opportunity to take part in a global conversation and hear from young people what their vision is for making the internet a safer and more considerate place.”