“Children have a right to be protected from harm at all times.  The internet can be so positive for children, it can help them realise a range of rights, such as their rights to socialise, to access information, to education, and to play. But it does have negative aspects too. Children and young people have told me about their worries relating to the online environment, like advances in artificial intelligence, bullying, and seeing harmful content on social media. Children should be empowered so they have the tools and knowledge to access the online world as safely as possible, and decision-makers need to put in place protection for them to be able to do that safely. Children must be protected from online harms – like scams, bullying, and misinformation. Children need to be at the heart of shaping change and the digital environment can only be made safer for children by listening and acting on their experiences.” 

Nicola Killean

Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Scotland