#25 2017

25: EU Kids Online – Patterns of risk and safety online

EU Kids Online and London School of Economics (Aug 2011) A large scale quantitative study, comparing trends and patterns in…

International Internet access and use
#19 2017

19: Vulnerable young people, social media and e-safety

Stephen Carrick-Davies (July 2011) A small scale qualitative study on vulnerable young people’s use of social media and mobile phones,…

Positive opportunities online Risks Vulnerable groups
#98 2017

98: Insafe Helplines: Operations, Effectiveness and Emerging Issues for Internet Safety Helplines

European Schoolnet (EUN), Insafe & the Kaspersky Helpline Fund (May 2016)  A summary of the results of research conducted by EU…

Evaluation Risks
#68 2017

68: The Cybersurvey for Suffolk

Adrienne Katz, Youth Work Consulting (May 2014) A summary of the results of the Suffolk Cybersurvey 2013 which aimed to inform the…

Cyberbullying & harassment Internet access and use Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18) Vulnerable groups
#67 2017

67: To Tell Or Not to Tell? Youth’s Responses to Unwanted Internet Experiences

Lund University, Sweden & University of New Hampshire, USA (May 2015)  A summary of the results of the large scale and nationally…

Children's behaviour online Digital literacy Encountering pornography Inappropriate content online Risks Sexual abuse
#115 2017

115: Net Aware Report 2017: “Freedom to Express Myself Safely”

NSPCC (Sept 2017)  A summary of the results of a large scale study examining the opportunities and risks experienced by young…

Positive opportunities online Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#55 2017

55: Zero to Eight Report – Very young children and their internet use

EU Kids Online and LSE (Sept 2013) A summary of the key findings of a report by EU Kids Online on…

Children (0-8) International Internet access and use
#54 2017

54: ChildLine Online Issues Report 2012-13

ChildLine (Sept 2013) A summary of the results of analysis of the over 10,600 counselling sessions ChildLine received in 2012-13 where…

Cyberbullying & harassment Internet access and use Risks Sexting Sexual abuse
#139 2019

139: What Do Parents Think and Do About Their Children’s Online Privacy? Parenting for a Digital Future: Survey Report 3

Sonia Livingstone, Alicia Blum-Ross and Dongmiao Zhang (London School of Economics and Political Science) (February, 2019) A summary of the…

Children's behaviour online Internet access and use Parental mediation Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#45 2017

45: FOSI Research: The Online Generation Gap – Contrasting Attitudes and Behaviours of Parents and Teens

The Family Online Safety Institute (Nov 2012) A summary of the results of a study based on two nationwide online surveys…

Digital literacy Parental mediation Teens (13-18)
#18 2017

18: Ofsted – younger children’s views

Ofsted (April 2011)  A small scale quantitative survey on children’s views on personal safety – online and offline. 

Children (0-8) Looked after children Pre-teens (9-12) Vulnerable groups
#05 2017

05: EU Kids Online II – UK findings

EU Kids Online and London School of Economics (Jan 2011) A large scale quantitative survey of children’s use of the internet,…

Children's behaviour online Internet access and use Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)