Sonia Livingstone OBE, LSE

In support of this year’s #SID2022 theme, ‘All fun and games,’ the Digital Futures Commission highlights its recent national survey findings on Play in a Digital World. Specifically, although children enjoy some of the same qualities of play online and offline (especially social, immersive and emotionally resonant qualities), they find play offline is better for its diversity, open-ended, stimulating, imaginative, safe and sense of achievement. Since children have had little option but to move their play from offline to online during the pandemic, this is concerning.

Also concerning, children report a lack of opportunities for intrinsic motivation, voluntary, safety and risk-taking play online; these are all vital for children’s development and wellbeing and so intervention is needed. For this reason, we map the practical steps for digital providers, designers and developers for Playful By Design. See”