Vicky Ford, MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families

Spending time online can be very beneficial and everyone has the right to use and enjoy the internet. The internet is an amazing source of information but as children are living in an increasingly digital world, it is vitally important that they are able to separate fact from fiction, and challenge or question any misinformation they may come across. That is why this year’s Safer Internet Day is more important than ever.

We want to make sure children and young people have access to the tools they need to navigate modern life, including how to identify disinformation and trusted sources, stay safe online, and make the right decisions when engaging with media content. That’s why we have already introduced guidance for schools about teaching online safety across the curriculum within new and existing subjects, such as Relationships, Sex and Health Education, Computing and Citizenship. I am looking forward to being part of Safer Internet Day and helping to raise awareness of online safety.