New Research Highlight: a summary of young people's relationship with technology

31 May 2017 Andy Robinson

The UKCCIS Evidence Group has published its latest Research Highlight, the 113th in the series. The Research Highlight is a summary of research looking at media and purchasing behaviours among children and young people aged 5-16.

Research Highlight 113

The latest research highlight looks at the CHILDWISE Monitor Report, a large scale, quantitative study of nearly 2,000 children and young people aged between 5–16 across 69 UK schools. Children aged 5 and 6 took part in face to face interviews, and children aged 7–16 were surveyed online. Data was collected during September and October 2016.

Key findings

The research found that in 2016:

  • 94% of children aged between 5-16 had a computer at home
  • 94% of children aged 11-16 own a mobile phone, compared to 39% of 5-10 year-olds
  • 83% of children and young people aged 5-16 own a computer:
    67% of these own a tablet
    39% own a laptop
    18% have a desktop PC.
  • Children and young people aged 5-16 reported spending an average of 2.9 hours online per day.
  • 23% of those asked said they had missed out on sleep because of using devices (23%).

More about the series

The Research Highlights Series summarises new findings as they become available.

The Evidence Group exercises editorial control over the selection and production of these Research Highlights, and welcomes recent and ongoing studies from researchers and stakeholders.

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