10% of UK Schools Now Using ProjectEVOLVE

25 Aug 2021 UK SIC

The digital toolkit ProjectEVOLVE has amassed a phenomenal amount of school support. Thousands of teachers throughout the UK have been seen signing up to ProjectEVOLVE and getting the latest educational guidance around online development for children and young people.

How many have signed up?

Since the free registration launched there has been 4200 organisations sign up and almost 15,000 users. To put it into a bit more perspective, 1/10 schools in the UK are seen to be using ProjectEVOLVE!  

What Does the Data Show?

There appears to be a substantial amount of schools using the social and emotional strands as well as those that explore relationships; bullying; self-image.

The more technology-led strands like Privacy, Security, Copyright and Ownership are also being accessed but they may also be being used to support wider aspects in school such as Computing and Technology. Many of the schools we have seen have adopted all strands and are teaching as them as a form of Digital Literacy or Online Safety schemes of work.

Where Are We Seeing the Data?

The data analytics built into the tool has suggested that some areas of the country are really invested in the resource to support their teaching curriculum. Overall, it is apparent there is a broad spread across the UK as the top users of ProjectEVOLVE appear to be in areas where there is a good degree of promotion.

Who is Using ProjectEVOLVE?

ProjectEVOLVE has been gathering a lot of engagement from Primary schools. KS3 in secondaries appear to be using strands to support their various schemes of work but it is less apparent with older age groups we have found. It is important to now encourage those groups such as further education to explore those more relevant resources as they are designed more towards supporting the broader ‘societal, ethical and legislative challenges’ for those particular age groups and the challenges they may face.

What Do the Professionals Think?

We are always looking to hear feedback around the ProjectEVOLVE toolkit and how we can improve it even more. Before the launch of the knowledge map tool, we ran a pilot for the new features with a group of professionals. We are pleased to inform that the feedback has been overwhelmingly postive.

Planning for September

With the launch of the new knowledge map features now availbale, professionals are now able to plan ahead for September to see how they can incorporate it into the new school year.

The knowledge maps are there to assist educators in deciding which resources andstrands are most relevant for their pupils.

Resources and knowledge maps have been designed to create meaningful dialogue around challenges each age group may have to deal with in their rich and varied online lives.

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