How much do you know about Premium Rate Services?

12 May 2015 UK SIC

Are you 11-18 years old?  Have you ever accidentally spent money on your mobile phone? Take the Childnet and PhoneBrain survey and tell us how much you know about Premium Rate Services.

This year Childnet have joined forces with PhonepayPlus, the UK’s premium rate phone numbers and phone-paid services regulator, to partner on their PhoneBrain Competition. PhoneBrain is an annual competition which helps young people understand the costs involved in mobile and smartphone use as it’s not just calls and texts you pay for through your phone. 

Forming part of the Childnet Film Competition, the PhoneBrain Category is a chance for young people between the ages of 11-18 to create a short 2 minute film to inform people about ways you can use your phone to pay for and use services safely without running up high bills.

To find out more about young people’s awareness of premium rate services and if they have had any experience with accidentally spending money on their mobile phone, Childnet, in partnership with PhoneBrain, have launched a survey to find out how much young people know about Premium Rate Services. 

The survey is open to anyone aged 11-18 years old and you do not need to enter the Childnet Film Competition to complete the survey. 

Complete the online survey here:

Deadline: 12 June 2015

Visit Childnet Film Competition to find out more about how you can enter.  

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