Online Safety Live Events Available for September

18 Aug 2022 UK SIC

As part of our work, the UK Safer Internet Centre offers free online safety events for professionals in the UK who work with children and young people.

These events are designed to update professionals on the online safety landscape, whilst providing them on the latest tools and resources to assist with their work in keeping children and young people safe.

Find out more by watching this short video:

These ninety minute sessions are available remotely as well as in person and aim to provide information that is accessible, up-to-date and easy to digest.

There are events planned for England throughout September with in person events available in Essex as well.

Find out when we are running the sessions and book your free place:

Remote Online Safety Live Events: England

Online Safety Live Events: Essex

As part of the session, all those in attendance will have access to all applicable resources for free as well as certification for attending.

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