Revenge Porn Helpline reveals women have 28 times more intimate images shared than men
The Revenge Porn Helpline (a service delivered by the UK Safer Internet Centre) has released the latest annual report data looking at the trends and insights seen across 2023. The findings have shown an alarming gender disparity in cases of intimate image abuse with the findings revealing a stark contrast in the prevalence of cases, with women disproportionately affected compared to men. In this article we explore the findings of the report and highlight the concerns being raised.
106% increase in reports
The Revenge Porn Helpline, an essential helpline for those experiencing intimate image abuse, recorded nearly 19,000 reports last year, marking a staggering 106% increase from the previous year. Among these reports, sextortion emerged as the most common form of abuse, making up over a third of all cases. Alarmingly, 93% of sextortion cases were reported by men, challenging the common misconception that women are only affected.
Sextortion cases in general have risen by 54% compared to the previous year which underscores the consistent need for proactive measures to prevent and address this crime. Despite the rise in cases, the Helpline still maintains an exceptional removal rate, consistently achieving up to 90% success rate in taking down reported images highlighting the importance of having dedicated resources and mechanisms in place to swiftly respond to instances of abuse.
The remaining 10%
Roughly 10% of reported content remains online even after a perpetrator has faced conviction. This is currently allowed under current legislation, as Internet Service Providers are not authorized to restrict access to such Non-Consensual Intimate Imagery (NCII) content being viewed.
Presently, the Revenge Porn Helpline has 30,000 URLs featuring non-consensually shared intimate material that they cannot take down due to this significant legal loophole. To rectify this problem, governmental intervention is imperative to enact the required legal reforms, thereby preventing the online viewing of any non-consensual intimate images.
Gender disparity
The data has indicated once again that women are disproportionately affected, both in terms of the sharing and the quantity of distributed images. It was found that, approximately 28 times more images are shared per woman than per man, highlighting the gendered nature of this form of abuse.
Since its inception in 2015, the Helpline has been a lifeline for any individual experiencing intimate image abuse, actioning the removal of approximately 306,000 intimate images from the internet. Despite this, the fight against intimate image abuse extends beyond removal; it necessitates comprehensive support for victims to cope with the psychological and emotional weight it can take on them. It is important to note that almost 60% of clients were referred to mental health services by the Helpline, highlighting the crucial role of holistic support in helping victims recover from incidents of intimate image abuse.
If you are an adult experiencing intimate image abuse, you can always contact the helpline for advice and support. Contact them at revengepornhelpline.org.uk To read the full Revenge Porn Helpline report you can download it here: