Safer Internet Day 2024: Free Advice for Parents and Carers
We are pleased to introduce our brand new advice pages, dedicated to supporting parents and carers on Safer Internet Day.
These advice pages answer some of the most common questions or concerns that parents and carers might have when it comes to thinking about managing influence or navigating change online.
Topics covered include:
- ‘Things change so fast online, it’s hard to keep up with what my child is doing.’
- ‘My child is asking to play a game or download an app that I don’t know about, What can I do?’
- ‘My child is asking for a new device and I’m not sure they’re ready for one.’
- ‘I’m not sure if the content my child is watching is a good influence on them; what can I do?’
- ‘What does an influencer do and how can they affect children’s behaviour?’
You’ll also find information about how to make a report on an app, game or website, and links to resources and advice about a wider range of issues.
Alongside our free Safer Internet Day education packs, these advice pages are designed to support the wider community and can be shared by schools and other organisations to reinforce the learning experience for the whole family.
Have you viewed our Safer Internet Day 2024 films yet? These include our campaign film that introduces Safer internet day and explains how you can get involved, along with additional films for each age group to support their understanding of the theme. The British Sign Language (BSL) versions of the films will be released soon.
Register your support
Remember, if you haven’t yet registered for Safer Internet Day, you can sign up for free with your school or organisation and tell us how you’ll be celebrating on the day. You’ll just need to include your name, a sentence about your plans for the day, and logo. You will then receive a certificate to showcase your support in your school or setting.