Safer Internet Day TV 2019
This year for SID TV we have gone beyond ordinary video with some new and exciting formats including a 360° video, a virtual reality app and a music track available to stream and download. Designed to be used in classrooms and homes across the country, SID TV accompanies our Education Packs to allow young people, their teachers and their parents to explore this year’s theme: Our Internet, Our Choice: Understanding Consent in a Digital World.
Read on for a breakdown of the SID TV videos, when to use them and how to get the most out of them this Safer Internet Day.
1. Zap and Zoom – A Space Race
Who is it for? 3 to 7 year olds
What is it and what is it about? It’s a 360° video featuring Zap and Zoom. Filmed in a family home, two young children are play an online game “Space Race”. Zap and Zoom help the children navigate issues around consent, advising them how to ask if something is okay online.
How should I use it? Zap and Zoom – A Space Race has been made to accompany our Education Pack for 3 to 7 year olds. Use the video and packs to facilitate discussions with your pupils. Lesson plans are available for 3 to 5 year olds and 5 to 7 year olds.
What are the key messages? The pack and film are designed to help the youngest internet users to consider how choices made online can affect them and those around them. 3 to 7 year olds are encouraged to think about how they can make positive and safe choices online.
2. Data Detective
Who is it for? 7 to 11 year olds
What is it and what’s it about? It’s a virtual reality app that allows young people to explore a virtual house while learning about consent in a digital world and how their information might be shared. The app is accompanied by a video showing how pupils at a primary school used the app.
How should I use it? You will need a VR headset like Google Cardboard. Use the app and video in your classroom to start conversations about consent online. The app has been made to accompany our Education Pack for 7 to 11 year olds.
What are the key messages? The app and film introduces young people to consent and permission online and encourages reflection on the importance of choice and respect.
3. “Surf” featuring Christian Foley and the dancers from Street Factory Plymouth
Who is it for? 11 to 14 year olds
What is it and what is it about? It’s a track and music video encouraging consideration of both the consent we give, and the consent we ask for, in a connected world. It’s available to watch, stream and download.
How should I use it? Use the music video along with the Education Pack for 11 to 14 year olds to start conversations about consent and how it is related to how 11 to 14 year olds use the internet. Activities cover issues and scenarios such as social media, messaging apps and friendship groups.
What are the key messages? The track encourages young people to think about their actions online and their wider impact. Young people face choices every day on the internet, consideration for the consent they give and the consent they ask of others will empower them to make better choices.
4. Consent Online
Who is it for? 14 to 18 year olds
What is it and what is it about? It’s a video filmed with young people at Uffculme School in Devon. We asked pupils about some of the more complex scenarios they face when it comes to consent online.
How should I use it? The thought provoking topics in this film are a great way to start similar conversations in your classroom. Use the film alongside the Education Pack for 14 to 18 year olds.
What are the key messages? Consent can be a complex topic and the video and Education Pack encourages young people to approach the issue with thought, respect and sensitivity. Issues around data including how it is created, collected and stored are also explored in the Education Pack.
5. Your Choice or Mine?
Who is it for? Parents and carers
What is it and what is it about? We put young people and their parents head-to-head in a game show to find out how different or how similar their opinions were on a range of online consent topics.
How should I use it? Share the video with parents and carers to support the messages you will be delivering on Safer Internet Day. Together with the Education Pack for Parents and Carers, the video can be used to start conversation at home about online safety, consent, privacy and data sharing.
What are the key messages? Open and honest discussions at home are an important part of responsible use of technology and the internet for young people. By involving parents and carers in Safer Internet Day the messages delivered at schools, libraries, youth clubs and other settings can be discussed and reinforced at home.
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Key links
Visit www.saferinternetday.org.uk for: