Safer Internet Day Supporters Registration surpasses 250!

09 Dec 2022 UK SIC

With under two months to go until Safer Internet Day, we’re pleased to say that over 250 schools, youth groups, businesses, charities, libraries, police services and many more organisations have officially registered their support.

The awareness day is a huge collaboration across the UK and celebration of youth voice, and our supporters play a vital part in its success.

Last year was another record breaker for Safer Internet Day: there were 3,424 supporters in total, with 54% of UK young people having been reached, alongside 32% of parents and carers.

We’re keen to break these records again in 2023, but we need your help!

Why register as a Safer Internet Day supporter?

Signing up as a supporter is your way as an organisation to pledge your support to Safer Internet Day, as well as telling the world what you’ll be doing to help make the internet a great, safe place for young people to enjoy.

Once registered you will receive a certificate to show your support for the day and, following review, your logo, organisation name and supportive statement will appear on the UK Safer Internet Centre website.

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

In the UK, we are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive.

So if you work with young people and think that they should have their voices heard, then join our mission and register your support!

Looking for some inspiration? Explore the supporters who have signed up already and see what they’re doing for the day.

How else can I support Safer Internet Day?

You can also help spread the word by sharing these key messages!

Have you registered as a Safer Internet Day supporter? Share what you are doing for #SaferInternetDay, and see all of the great things that are planned across the UK! @UK_SIC

You can also get involved in #SaferInternetDay by:

Liking @saferinternetuk on Facebook

Following @UK_SIC on Twitter

Following @UK_SIC on Instagram

Joining the national conversation using #SaferInternetDay

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