#29 2017

29: Improving e-safety in primary schools

Lucy Shipton, Sheffield Hallam University (Aug 2011) A small scale qualitative study of the internet safety policies and procedures of…

Evaluation Schools
#02 2017

02: Exploring online safety knowledge and evaluating CEOP’s Think U Know (TUK) education programme

Kingston University (July 2009)  A large scale mixed methods study of young people’s knowledge about internet safety and their understanding…

Digital literacy Evaluation Inappropriate content online Pre-teens (9-12) Privacy Risks Teens (13-18)
#06 2017

06: ‘Staying safe’ survey – findings for children’s internet safety

Department for Education (Feb 2010) A large scale quantitative survey that measures parents’ and children’s awareness, attitudes and reported behaviours…

Children (0-8) Parental attitudes Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#07 2017

07: EU Kids Online II – European findings on risks and safety for children on the internet

EU Kids Online and London School of Economics (Jan 2010) A large scale quantitative survey of children’s use of the internet,…

International Internet access and use Parental mediation Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#147 2019

147: Intimate image abuse in adults and under 18s: A comparative analysis of cases dealt with by the Revenge Porn Helpline and Professionals Online Safety Helpline

SWGfL in partnership with the University of Exeter Economic and Social Research Council (October, 2019) A summary of a qualitative…

Adults (16+) Internet use Risks Sexting Social networking Teens (13-18)
Children's behaviour online Positive opportunities online Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#151 2021

151: Increasing Safety and the Resilience of Children at Risk of Technology-assisted Child Sexual Abuse: Implementation Evaluation for InCtrl

NSPCC Research and Evidence (November 2020)  A summary of the results of evaluation of the NSPCC InCtrl programme. This is…

Grooming Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Sexual abuse Teens (13-18)
#01 2017

01: Offender behaviour – lessons for online safety

Kingston University and EC Safer Internet Programme (April 2010) A large scale study of qualitative interviews of online grooming offenders, revealing…

Grooming Risks Sexual abuse
#133 2019

133: Research for Culture and Education Committee (CULT) – Child Safety Online: Definition of the Problem

Brian O’Neill (Dublin Institute of Technology) (February, 2019) An overview of the key findings from a briefing paper produced for…

Children's behaviour online Internet access and use Pre-teens (9-12) Risks Teens (13-18)
#111 2017

111: UK Schools Online Safety Policy and Practice Assessment 2016

Professor Andy Phippen (Oct 2016)  An overview of the results of the analysis of the self-assessment data collected from the 360…

Evaluation Schools
#64 2017

64: Online harassment in context: trends from three youth internet safety surveys (2000, 2005, 2010)

Crimes Against Children Research Centre, University of New Hampshire (March 2014)  A summary of the results of the 3 large scale and…

Cyberbullying & harassment Risks
#27 2017

27: EU Kids Online – online safety and disadvantaged children

EU Kids Online (Aug 2011)  A large-scale quantitative study observing trends in the risk-taking behaviours of disadvantaged groups of children.

Vulnerable groups