2024 Appropriate filtering and monitoring definitions published for public consultation

11 Mar 2024 UK SIC

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) has published a draft of its ‘appropriate’ filtering and monitoring definitions for 2024 for public consultation. The definitions help both schools and providers understand what is considered ‘appropriate’ and comments are invited regarding this years proposed revisions.

Alongside the DfE’s introduction of statutory guidance and Prevent Duty obligations, UKSIC first published its filtering and monitoring definitions in 2016 to help both schools and providers understand what should be considered as ‘appropriate’.  

Included here are final proposed revisions alongside a version that tracks the changes compared to 2023 with a summary of the substantive changes, both for Filtering and Monitoring

Appropriate Filtering

Substantive changes 2024

Appropriate Monitoring

Substantive Changes

Once published, these changes will be reflected in the self certified responses and consequentially in the UK Safer Internet Centre accreditation programme. The public consultation period will close on April 12th 2024.

Please send any response to enquiries@saferinternet.org.uk

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