New Filtering and Monitoring Webinars Available
The UK Safer Internet Centre, on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE), is delivering a series of online webinars on filtering and monitoring. The webinars will inform schools and colleges in England about the changes to Keeping children safe in education which comes into force from September 2023 as well as the DfE’s new filtering and monitoring standards which were published in 2023.
These five, 30-minute sessions are for professionals in England working with children and young people. Specifically, they will support schools and colleges to be able to meet the filtering and monitoring standards in order to better protect children and young people online.
Delivered by our Online Safety Team, David Wright (Director of UK Safer Internet Centre), Jess McBeath (Online Safety Consultant) and Graham Lowe (Online Safety Consultant), the sessions will cover:
- An introductory look at what filtering and monitoring systems are. (10th July – 4:00pm)
- An overview of DfE’s new filtering and monitoring standards. (10th July – 4:45pm)
- How school leaders can effectively risk assess to make decisions regarding filtering and monitoring. (11th July – 4:00pm)
- Considerations for those responsible for safeguarding, including Governors. (12th July – 4:00pm)
- How to identify and assign roles and responsibilities. (13th July – 4:00pm)
Please refer to our events page to see all available webinars. There are two sessions available that provide an essential overview of the filtering and monitoring standards. These can be attended back-to-back on the 10th July. Over the next three days there will also be three advanced sessions covering risk assessment, responsibilities, documenting and further safeguarding practice.