New Digital Wellbeing Features Announced for TikTok

14 Mar 2023 UK SIC

TikTok has recently announced new updates aimed at improving digital wellbeing, screentime management and parental controls. These features are intended to support teenagers and families and will be gradually rolled out over the coming weeks. This move builds on TikTok’s previous updates to enhance privacy and security on their platform throughout the last few years.

What’s new for TikTok?

One significant update is a new default 60-minute daily screentime limit for users under 18. If this limit is exceeded, a passcode will be required to continue watching videos, prompting young people to make an active decision about extending their time on the platform. Users under 13 will also have a 60-minute limit, but will require a parent or carer’s passcode to extend their screentime by an additional 30 minutes.

This update is based on research from Internet Matters suggesting that being aware of the amount of time we spend on certain activities can help us make more intentional decisions. The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston’s Childrens Hospital has provided input on the time limits.

TikTok has also added new features to the existing “Family Pairing” option, which enables parents and carers to manage privacy and security controls on their teen’s account. The three new updates include muting notifications, customising daily screentime limits, and a screentime dashboard for parents to see how long their teen spends on TikTok.

These features will be available to users within the coming weeks, in addition to a sleep reminder. To access further support with privacy and security settings, a free TikTok checklist from our partners at SWGfL can be downloaded from their website.

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