New Social Media Hub Launched on SWGfL

05 Jul 2022 UK SIC

SWGfL were pleased to announce the launch of a brand new social media hub that offers guidance and resources for professionals working with children and young people to help them navigate online spaces.

This new hub is joining alongside other topic pages that SWGfL have launched including a gaming hub, and a digital wellbeing one early this year.

New Resources and Guidance

SWGfL have launched this hub to assist professionals in promoting online safety.

Articles, videos and resources in the hub will take a deep dive into various elements of social media to show the benefits and potential risks of online platforms.

As well as giving a general overview, the hub hosts supporting articles and resources including:

Throughout the hub, there is also signposting towards the UKSIC helplines and further supportive services and tools that can assist professionals.

Take a look here:

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