Revenge Porn Helpline 2021 Report Launch – Cases and Trends
Today the Revenge Porn Helpline, run by UK safer Internet Centre partner SWGfL, have launched the 2021 report showing the trends and issues that were prominent throughout the past year.
The report found that cases increased by over 40% between 2020 and 2021, rising from 3,146 cases to 4,406.
During 2021 the Helpline continued to see an increase in most of their reported issue types, with report findings highlighting that intimate content being shared continues to be a gendered issue, with 75% of cases being reported by female victims. Out of four main issues outlined by the report data, three of them (images shared, threat to share and voyeurism) reported females to be victims.
Rise in Sextortion Cases
The number of cases for issues such as the threat to share intimate images, are seen to be at a similar number to 2020 report findings, however the Helpline has seen a shift in their reported cases in 2021 in one category of crime in particular. In previous years “images shared” was the Helpline’s most reported issue but this new report highlights that “Sextortion” has become the most reported issue in 2021, with cases doubling in comparison to the previous year.
Sextortion occurs when a sexual relationship develops online, sexual images are exchanged, and/or sexual encounters occur within a video call. The victim of this issue is extorted for money and blackmailed by their intimate content, as during the interaction the scammers have taken details of followers, friends and family lists and overall done a complete search on their target.
Sextortion (or webcam blackmail) is used by overseas scammers to make some quick cash, by threatening to share intimate content of the victim.
The issue of Sextortion made up around 25% of all of the Revenge Porn Helpline cases in 2021, with the issue mainly affecting male victims in 90% of cases.
As seen in the report data, the Revenge Porn Helpline continues to support those affected by various issues with cases relating to Voyeurism also being reported, alongside intimate images being shared, sextortion, and threats to share intimate images.
Sophie Mortimer, manager of the Helpline, said “We must never underestimate the impact on people of the sharing of intimate images without consent, or threats to do so. Our clients disclose high levels of stress and anxiety, leading to social isolation and deteriorating emotional and mental health. But there is help available.
Our advice for victims of sextortion is to stop, block the perpetrator, report the account to the platform where the blackmail is taking place and do not send them any money. You are not alone and we’re here to help. Please get in touch with the Helpline for support and visit our website here for more advice’’
If you have been affected by any of the issues highlighted in the Revenge Porn Helpline’s 2021 report you can get in touch with the service for free, confidential support and assistance with reporting content that has been shared online. Contact the Helpline by phoning 0345 6000 459 or email help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk.
Further details around how the Helpline can support you can also be found from our website or alternatively you can visit the Revenge Porn Helpline website for additional resources and information.