Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online

Safer Internet Day –
7th February 2023
- About Safer Internet Day 2023
- What do I do if something goes wrong?
- Practical tips for starting a conversation about life online
- How to talk about difficult topics
- My child has said something worrying – what do I do?
- Find out more about specific issues
- How to make a report
- Getting your child involved in online safety
My child has said something worrying – what do I do?
If your child comes to you with a concern, the most important thing is to remain calm and reassure them that they’ve done the right thing by talking to you. If you suspect, or find out from someone else that your child is dealing with a worrying situation online, let them know that sharing it with you is the first step to resolving the issue.
When dealing with an online concern raised by your child, try to:
Let them explain in their own words what has happened.
Remain composed.
If you are feeling shocked, angry or worried, it’s likely that your child is feeling worse, but reacting that way may close down the conversation and lead your child to believe that they are to blame.
Acknowledge the challenges they have overcome, and let them know that they’ve done the right thing by telling you.
Be honest.
It’s okay if you are unsure what to do next, the important thing is to let your child know you are there for them. There is a lot of further support out there to help you decide on your next steps.
Save the evidence wherever possible.
You may be able to report what has happened to the online service being used when the incident occurred. Evidence may include screen shots taken on a laptop or mobile device, emails, texts or online conversation histories.
Make a report as soon as possible.
Knowing who to report to is a really useful step to resolving many issues, so try to familiarise yourself with the reporting, blocking or moderating settings available on the services your child is using. Depending on what has happened, it might be necessary to let your child’s school know too, or other agencies such as the police.