Safer Internet Day – 9th February 2021
An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.
of young people in the UK heard about the day
An Internet Young People Can Trust research
For Safer Internet Day 2021, the UK Safer Internet Centre launched a report into how young people are managing reliability and misleading content online.
Read the full research report, entitled An Internet Young People Can Trust, and the Safer Internet Day 2021 Impact Report by clicking here:
How are young people managing reliability and misleading content online? This research shines a light on how dealing with misleading content and contact has become a daily part of the online experience for many young people. It shows us how young people are thinking critically about what they see and taking responsibility for their actions online, but also facing emotional challenges and asking us to do more to build an internet they can trust.
The research highlights how many young people of all ages, from as young as 8, are regularly encountering misleading content and have experienced approaches, such as friend requests, from people they don’t know. It is vital that all of us involved in building an internet young people can trust consult young people to build a deeper understanding of what they are encountering, how it affects them emotionally and how they respond to it, so we can support them with the tools and skills they need to separate trustworthy from misleading content and to stay safe online.