Safer Internet Day – 9th February 2021
An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.
of young people in the UK heard about the day
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day, whether you are a school, nursery, youth group, library, police service, or wider. These educational resources have been specifically designed to support educators in delivering messages about our campaign theme of reliability online.

19 November 2020
Becca Cawthorne
Films for 5-11 year olds
Films aimed at children and young people aged 5 – 11 exploring what we can trust on the internet as…

19 November 2020
Becca Cawthorne
Films for 11-18 year olds
Films aimed at children and young people aged 11-18 exploring what we can trust on the internet as part of…

19 November 2020
Becca Cawthorne
Films for parents and carers
In these films young people share what parents and carers can do to help with trust online.