New online issue page released to support with responding to sextortion incidents

15 May 2024 UK SIC

With the release of the National Crime Agency alert last month, financially motivated sexual extortion is a growing concern across the UK. With many individuals being targeted regardless of age or gender, the need for support is more essential than ever.

Schools in particular need to be well versed in how to respond effectively to a sextortion incident and be on hand to support the young person in their care. For parents and carers, supporting their child through a distressing incident can be overwhelming, but having knowledge of how to effectively communicate and take action is key to protecting them online.

New sextortion online issue page

In response to this, the UK Safer Internet Centre has prepared a brand new online issue page to guide professionals, parents, carers, and young people through what to do if they are ever faced with a sextortion incident. Included is information on what financially motivated sexual extortion is, best practices including how to effectively communicate about sextortion, and how to report and escalate the issue.

We have prepared a series of resources and tools that have been designed specifically to help individuals navigate and respond to incidents. We have also outlined the correct places to go if a young person or adult needs to report anything online, and where the best line of support is. If you are experiencing a sextortion related incident, consult our new guidance page.

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