23 January 2018 Andy Robinson

Primary schools close the gap in online safety education: latest 360 report finds

SWGfL’s latest ‘State of the nation’ report into UK schools’ online safety policy and practice finds that the difference between…

18 March 2021 UK SIC

Young people’s views on reporting online harms

Research shows that young people are more likely to block someone behaving inappropriately than report them.

5 July 2022 UK SIC

TikTok launch new screen time tools

TikTok is a social networking app that users of age 13 and above use to share short videos of a huge…

11 February 2014 UK SIC

Press Release

27 September 2016 UK SIC

Safer Internet Day 2014 Press Release

Prime Minister and Olympic gymnast Beth Tweddle join hundreds of organisations in pledging their support for the day organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre.

23 February 2021 Amy Lockwood

What is Omegle? Key things parents and carers need to know

Recently we have noticed a lot of conversations about the website ‘Omegle’, and we know parents and carers may have also heard…

7 February 2023 UK SIC

Young people keen to educate parents on online safety – as more than a third of carers are not clear on where to go for support

Research reveals the need for more and better conversations with young people about what they do, see and experience online.

14 November 2019 UK SIC

Anti-Bullying Tips from the Professionals Online Safety Helpline

In the nearly-ten-years of running the Professionals Online Safety Helpline, we’ve learned some key ways you can stamp out bullying…