Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online

Safer Internet Day

11th February 2025


Join organisations from across the UK and register as a Safer Internet Day Supporter. Well regularly update the list with new supporters over the coming months, so register now to see your organisation featured on the map. For inspiration, see what people across the UK are doing to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021!


in total

1458 School/college
100 Business
69 Charity/youth
63 Other
21 Government
11 Police

Find all supporters on the map

On this map, you can find all the supporters featured across the UK. Maybe you are one of them?

Find out how our Supporters celebrate Safer Internet Day

On the list below, you can find all the supporters and read about how they celebrate Safer Internet Day. Maybe you are one of them?

Abacus Belsize Primary School

School assembly and class activities

Abba Father Evangelical Ministry

Constant advice on the use of internet to avoid being scammed

Abbot’s Way School

Abingdon House School

We will be holding assemblies for both key stages, classroom activities, parental workshops and creating displays around the school.


We will be taking part in activities related to the theme and wider aspects of online safety. We will also host assemblies for different year groups.

Accrington Academy

Whole School Assemblies, information out on social media etc

Acorn Digital Learning, Outcomes First Group

All classes follow a lesson based on the theme of Safer Internet Day. Parents/ carers get involved in following up on the lesson content.

Action Fraud

Action Fraud is supporting Safer Internet Day this year, by encouraging everyone to protect themselves from online fraud.

Stay safe online & look out for advice on Action Fraud social media pages.

Activate Learning

Activate Learning will celebrate Safer Internet Day 2025 with a series of activities aimed at promoting online safety, including a session for parents about the issue of sextortion and online scams.

Affinity Fostering Services Ltd

Sharing resources, inviting young people to share the importance of internet safety through their own posters, organising training for our fostering households.