24 March 2022 UK SIC

360 Early Years announced as Bett award winner

360 Early Years was announced as the winner of the Early Years – Digital Product of Service category at the…

12 May 2021 Andy Robinson

Queen says the UK will “lead the way” in internet safety

The UKSIC is calling on the Government to honour its commitments to making the UK a safer place to be…

22 October 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL Talk Online Safety in Podcast Series

Our partners at SWGfL continue to record informative and regular podcasts on a variety of topics around online safety. Find…

19 December 2016 Becca Cawthorne

Facebook Launch Parents Portal

Facebook have launched a new advice area, the Parents Portal, which givies tips and information for parents on how to keep…

25 August 2020 Becca Cawthorne

25 ideas for embedding online safety throughout your curriculum

With the full time return of Scottish schools and schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland due in September, our…

11 May 2023 UK SIC

Peers express support for UKSIC campaign highlighting need for independent appeals process in Online Safety Bill

Baroness Newlove backs need for independent appeals process in Online Safety Bill.