

3 July 2024 UK SIC

Snapchat includes new features to protect against sextortion

Snapchat has announced some new features aimed to support users against sextortion and other online harms.

1 July 2024 UK SIC

UK Safer Internet Centre manifesto calls for stronger protections from the Government

The UKSIC has put together a five-point plan that we urge the Government to act on in the protection of…

28 May 2024 UK SIC

2024 Appropriate filtering and monitoring definitions published

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) has published its ‘appropriate’ filtering and monitoring definitions for 2024

15 May 2024 UK SIC

New online issue page released to support with responding to sextortion incidents

We have prepared a brand new online issue page to guide professionals, parents, carers, and young people through sextortion.

8 May 2024 UK SIC

Revenge Porn Helpline reveals women have 28 times more intimate images shared than men

The Revenge Porn Helpline has released the latest annual report data looking at the trends and insights seen across 2023.

30 April 2024 UK SIC

IWF declares most extreme year on record at #BehindTheScreens Annual Report launch

The Internet Watch Foundation, found more child sexual abuse imagery in 2023 than any previous year.

30 April 2024 UK SIC

Ofcom Data Reveals 1 in 3 Children Aged 5 -7 Use Social Media Unsupervised

The latest research from Ofcom has revealed the current online landscape of children and young people using technology.

29 April 2024 UK SIC

National Crime Agency Issues Financially Motivated Sexual Extortion Alert to UK Schools

The National Crime Agency has issued an alert to educational establishments across the UK about the rise in financially motivated…

19 April 2024 Beverley Thornton

Meta Announces Tools to Help Protect Against Sextortion and Intimate Image Abuse

Meta has announced new tools being tested to protect young people and adults from intimate image abuse.

18 April 2024 UK SIC

The Revenge Porn Helpline Reveals 106% Increase in Reports

The Revenge Porn Helpline has released new data about how the service was used in 2023.

29 March 2024 UK SIC

New feedback feature for UK Safer Internet Centre website

This new feature is there for users to rate our guidance and articles to see how much value the information…

29 March 2024 UK SIC

Reports to Report Harmful Content rise by 31% in 2023

Report Harmful Content has published its latest data from 2023, giving new insights into how the service supported people across…