
Teachers and professionals

28 May 2024 UK SIC

2024 Appropriate filtering and monitoring definitions published

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) has published its ‘appropriate’ filtering and monitoring definitions for 2024

29 March 2024 UK SIC

New feedback feature for UK Safer Internet Centre website

This new feature is there for users to rate our guidance and articles to see how much value the information…

27 March 2024 UK SIC

Impersonation and Scamming Alerts Introduced on Instagram

Instagram has rolled out a new feature aimed at enhancing user awareness regarding potential suspicious activities and impersonation attempts.

1 February 2024 UK SIC

Safer Internet Day: Advice from the Professionals Online Safety Helpline

The Professionals Online Safety Helpline is encouraging professionals to start discussions with children and young people about what they like…

9 January 2024 UK SIC

Updated Facebook Privacy and Safety Checklist for 2024

The Facebook Checklist is an updated and comprehensive guide designed to address common privcacy and safety inquiries for users.

22 September 2023 UK SIC

Report shows one third of schools in England lack effective staff training 

The latest report from SWGfL stems from the latest insights taken from the online safety self-assessment tool 360Safe. Here we…

15 September 2023 UK SIC

New resources available from the Professionals Online Safety Helpline

The Professionals Online Safety Helpline has introduced new resources to aid educators and professionals working with young people.

22 August 2023 UK SIC

Continue to Tackle Online Abuse in Sport with Report Harmful Content

Report Harmful Content is continuing to explore how we can all tackle online abuse in sport.

7 July 2023 UK SIC

New amendments to intimate image abuse laws announced

Significant amendments were announced regarding intimate image abuse laws. Find out what amendments have been made in our latest article.

30 June 2023 UK SIC

New release! IWF launches podcast on the effects end-to-end encryption could have in the fight against child sexual abuse imagery

The introduction of end-to-end encryption to messaging apps could increase the amount of child sexual abuse images and videos circulating…

14 April 2023 UK SIC

Professionals Online Safety Helpline releases annual report

The Professionals Online Safety Helpline have released their latest annual report, citing the prevalent issues that are affecting teachers and…