8 February 2017 UK SIC

An inspirational Safer Internet Day reaches millions across the UK

An inspirational Safer Internet Day reaches millions across the UK!

14 January 2020 Andy Robinson

Staying Safe on PS4 – Advice for Parents and Carers

Gaming can play a huge part in young people’s identity and it’s important that we find ways to protect and…

26 April 2017 Becca Cawthorne

5 things teens want parents to know

What do parents and carers need to know about young people’s digital lives? The Childnet Digital Leaders shared their views. 

11 March 2021 Andy Robinson

PlayStation 5 – Parental Controls and Security Settings

This blog looks at some of the features that are available for PlayStation 5 including parental controls and certain restrictions…

21 September 2017 Andy Robinson

Helping schools fulfil filtering and monitoring requirements

David Wright, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre, discusses how we’re helping schools fulfil their safeguarding duties by ensuring appropriate levels of monitoring…

2 March 2021 Andy Robinson

Cameras On or Off? – Important Questions Answered by the POSH helpline.

The POSH helpline discuss educator’s key considerations around keeping cameras on or off during remote learning. Find out some key…

13 May 2019 Becca Cawthorne

It has given me the confidence that I can make a difference' – Looking at the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme

Throughout January to March this year, Childnet conducted its annual survey to gain feedback on the Digital Leaders Programme. 

21 August 2017 Becca Cawthorne

Online hate 'as serious as face-to-face'

Today the Crown Prosecution Service pledges to treat online hate crimes as seriously as those committed face to face. 

1 August 2017 Becca Cawthorne

The biggest problem on the internet – according to young men

A new survey out today from the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) reveals what young men consider to be the greatest…

2 November 2020 Andy Robinson

Teachers and school staff, across UK, facing ‘burnout’ because of online harassment and ‘bullying’ from pupils

A new report will highlight how hundreds of people working with young people could be facing mental health issues as…

9 February 2017 UK SIC

Top tips following on from Safer Internet Day 2017

There was an amazing sharing of information and advice on Safer Internet Day! See some of the top tips from…