

19 May 2020 Angela Munoz Aroca

Mental Health Awareness Week – Doing one of the most difficult jobs

On Mental Health Awareness Week, IWF raise awareness of the difficult but crucial work their analysts do and how they…

7 May 2020 Andy Robinson

Test your school’s online safety filtering with the test filtering tool

Our partners at SWGfL have set up Test Filtering, a tool to ensure that harmful online content is blocked from…

1 May 2020 Andy Robinson

Education Professionals Guide to Remote Working

Whilst working from home there are some important things to remember if you’re an education professional. Download the resource from…

22 April 2020 Andy Robinson

360 Degree Safe – The Online Safety Review Tool Has Been Updated & Improved

As part of their work for UKSIC, our partners SWGfL have updated the award-winning online safety review tool 360 Degree…

17 April 2020 Angela Munoz Aroca

IWF launches a ground-breaking podcast series – Pixels from a Crime Scene

Speaking in the first episode, Chief Constable Simon Bailey QPM, The National Police Chief’s Council lead on child protection, has…

3 April 2020 Becca Cawthorne

SWGfL Donate Anonymous Reporting Tool Whisper to all Schools Across the Nation

In light of  the school closures due to COVID-19, our partners at the SWGfL are offering our support to schools across the…

27 March 2020 Andy Robinson

IWF Warning During Coronavirus Outbreak

The Internet Watch Foundation warns that, with schools being forced to shut, there is an increased risk of children being…

25 March 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Keeping children happy and safe online during COVID-19

As UK schools close, or run at a limited capacity as a result of COVID-19, we know that parents and carers are having to…

13 March 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Advice on Safe Remote Learning amidst Coronavirus

Considering how we can use connectivity and devices to sustain education in these unusual days.

12 March 2020 Becca Cawthorne

10 years of 360 Degree Safe

This analysis of data from 360 Degree Safe draws from the self-review data of more than 11,000 schools across the country. 

5 March 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Find out more about Digiduck for World Book Day 2020

For World Book Day 2020, we asked author and creator Lindsay Buck about the books.

2 March 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL unveils new Roblox and TikTok checklists

This Safer Internet Day we launched our two most recent checklists for the popular online gaming platform Roblox, and the mobile video…