

18 September 2020 Andy Robinson

Call for a New Taskforce at the IWF

The IWF is looking for six Image Classification Assessors and a Quality Assurance Officer to help them protect children in…

11 September 2020 UK SIC

New Laws Proposed by Law Commission to Protect Victims of Online Abuse

Today, the law commission has proposed new laws to protect victims from harmful online behaviour. This article looks at what…

10 September 2020 Andy Robinson

Nominet partner with Childnet & SWGfL for Children’s Online Safety Programme

Nominet have launched the new Children’s Online Safety Programme along with Childnet and SWGfL

3 September 2020 Andy Robinson

Online Safety Live – What has been the impact?

Online Safety Lives are regarded as the UK’s largest online safety professional development programme for the children’s workforce to protect all…

26 August 2020 Andy Robinson

IWF Release New Reporting Portal for Madagascar

For the first time, people in Madagascar will have a safe and anonymous place to report criminal images and videos…

20 August 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL to Launch New Versions of Online Safety Review Tool

Our partners at SWGfL have re-developed the online self-review tool Online Compass and will be releasing new and more focused…

13 August 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL Release Blended Learning Resource

Our partners at SWGfL have released a new resource about Blended Learning which will help schools prepare for the new…

30 July 2020 Andy Robinson

Microsoft Teams – A Guide for Professionals

Here we highlight some of the many features and benefits available on Microsoft Teams whilst showing you how to stay safe…

21 July 2020 Andy Robinson

New Online Resilience Tool Launched for Professionals

The Professionals Online Safety helpline (POSH) has teamed up with HeadStart Kernow to help create a new Online Resilience Tool.

14 July 2020 Andy Robinson

Online Tutoring – Safeguarding Considerations for Schools

Our partners at SWGfL have put together a helpful resource to outline the key things to remember when it comes…

2 July 2020 Andy Robinson

UKSIC partner with ITU to release new Child Online Protection guidelines

UKSIC, along with industry partners SWGfL and IWF have helped to release the new ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Child Online…

24 June 2020 Angela Munoz Aroca

IWF launches six international reporting portals for child sexual abuse material during lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic has lent greater urgency to tackling online threats.