Safer Internet Days
Films for 5-11 year olds
Films aimed at children and young people aged 5 – 11 exploring what we can trust on the internet as…
Safer Internet Day 2021 films
A collection of short films exploring trust and reliability online for our Safer Internet Day 2021 campaign.
#AnInternetWeTrust on social media
What do the young people you work with feel they can do to create #AnInternetWeTrust?
I am a parent or carer
Use these free resources to talk to your child about online safety this Safer Internet Day.
Guidance for educators
We have created a range of supporting resources to help teachers and educators celebrate Safer Internet Day.
For work with 14-18s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 14-18 year olds.
For work with 11-14s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 11-14 year olds.
For work with 7-11s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 7-11 year olds.
For work with 3-7s
We have created a range of resources to help you deliver sessions for Safer Internet Day with 3-7 year olds.
I work with young people
We have created a range of free resources, including; films, lesson plans, assemblies, quick activities and more!
Safer Internet Day 2021 Supporters
See what people across the UK are doing to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021!
An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world
Celebrating the amazing range of information and opportunities online, the potential to inform, connect and inspire us, and looking at how…