4 ways schools can get involved in Safer Internet Day
We give our four ideas for making Safer Internet Day 2018 a success in your school!
Children’s Commissioner #lifeinlikes report into experiences of 8-12s on social media
The ‘Life in likes’ report launched today by the Children’s Commissioner for England is based on a series of focus groups with…
Setting online safety resolutions with your family
New Year is a great time to make some new resolutions. Here are some ideas of online safety resolutions you…
Government launches call for evidence on relationships and sex education
The government is asking parents, teachers and young people from across England to help shape a new relationships and sex…
Keeping Children Safe in Education: our response to the proposed changes
David Wright, Director of SWGfL and UK Safer Internet Centre, offers his views on the proposed changes to ‘Keeping Children Safe in…
Safer Internet Day 2018 Education Packs and SID TV videos launched!
The Safer Internet Day 2018 Education Packs and SID TV videos are now available on the UK Safer Internet Centre…
Department for Education publishes guidance on sexual harassment
Advice for schools and colleges on how to prevent and respond to reports of sexual violence and harassment between children.
Latest research shows young people feel pressured into sharing nudes
SWGfL has published new research into sexting behaviour among young people.
BBC journalists will educate young people about fake news
The BBC is launching a new programme supporting secondary school pupils to identify real news and filter out fake or…
New research into sexual harassment of young people on the internet
Today Childnet, a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, published the findings from their Europe-wide project deSHAME. These findings show that…
Almost 2 in 5 young people have seen fake news online
Ofcom have released the findings from their 2017 Children’s media use and attitudes report, which focuses on children’s behaviour online and the way in…
Things to consider when buying tech gifts this Christmas
This blog contains advice for parents and carers to help them get to grips with the safety features available on…