Guide and Resources

Digital Leaders top internet tips
Childnet Digital Leaders are championing digital citizenship with five of their top internet safety tips.

Our Top Tips about Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying can be defined as the use of technologies by an individual or by a group of people to deliberately and…

Monitoring Integrator responses
We invite monitoring integrators to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Monitoring providers responses
We invite monitoring providers to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.
For schools: how to engage parents through social media
The new school year is well underway and I can’t help but wonder how many newsletters/leaflets/ written notes have been…
Provider Checklists
Filtering and monitoring providers are invited to submit completed checklists to the UK Safer Internet Centre.
Provider Responses
We invite filtering and monitoring providers and integrators to self-certify their systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Filtering Integrator Responses
We invite filtering integrators to self certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.
Foster carers and adoptive parents
Leaflets and advice for foster carers and adoptive parents about online safety.

Filtering Provider Responses
We invite filtering providers to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.