Guide and Resources

What are the issues?
An overview of potential online risks relating to Conduct, Content, Contact and Commercialism.

Appropriate Filtering
Guide for education settings and filtering providers about establishing ‘appropriate levels of filtering’

Teaching resources
Lesson plans, resources, guidance, all the information you need to teach online safety in the classroom.

Resources for parents and carers
A collection of resources for parents and carers to help them support their children to have a safe and positive time online.

TV on Demand
Advice about TV on demand services and how to set up parental control tools on the most popular sites and…
Children and young people
Games, quizzes, films and advice to help you get the most out of the internet while staying safe online
Online safety training sessions
The UK Safer Internet Centre offers a range of online safety training sessions for school staff, the children’s workforce, children…
What the research says
Information on two studies by Microsoft looking at consumer attitudes to online reputation and its role in job applications.
What can affect my online reputation?
Information about the different types of online content which can affect online reputation.
Professional reputation
Advice about protecting your reputation while using social media and technology both personally and professionally.