What is Skin Gambling in Gaming?
Find out in this article about what skin gambling is and ways you can help support children and young people…
A million of the worst child sexual abuse images graded by ‘elite’ taskforce
A million of the worst images of child sexual abuse have been turned into digital fingerprints in an “unprecedented” drive…
SWGfL to Host New Digital Wellbeing Event with TikTok
On Wednesday 13th July, SWGfL will be joining TikTok for an exclusive online event about digital wellbeing, primarily aimed at…
The new Childnet Digital Leaders training platform is here!
We are excited to announce that the new Childnet Digital Leaders training platform is ready for your school’s pupils!
Celebrate Pride Month with Childnet’s LGBTQ+ Poster
A poster for Pride Month for those working with young people to display in their school or youth group.
Ofcom Releases Online Nation Report
Ofcom has released a new Online Nation report to show data around how people in the UK use the internet.…
Sexual abuse imagery of girls online at record high following pandemic lockdowns
The IWF releases its 2021 Annual Report with the latest global trends in combatting the distribution of child sexual abuse…
Keeping Children Safe in Education – Guidance from the Department for Education
The Department for Education have updated their Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. Discover more about each new update.
New resources launched to help support young people with SEND to Thrive Online
Free resources are designed to empower young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Spot and Support Campaign from SWGfL’s Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service
This campaign will highlight ways that professionals can spot signs of HSB in young people as well as ways that…
New updates from ProjectEVOLVE
ProjectEVOLVE have launched a variety of new updates to further support new and current users.
ProjectEVOLVE evaluation report launched
A new report has been launched that looks at data collected from ProjectEVOLVE. Read the full report here