Target group

Young people

7 October 2020 Andy Robinson

‘Disturbing’ rise in videos of children who have been groomed into filming their own abuse

Videos and images where children have been manipulated into recording their own abuse now make up nearly half of all…

23 September 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Delete or Deactivate – What to do with your old accounts (updated for 2020)

This blog gives site specific guidance about how to deactivate or delete your accounts, and what these options mean.

23 September 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL Release new Netflix Parental Control Checklist

Our partners at SWGfL have added a brand new checklist to their resources. This time they’ve worked with Netflix to…

16 September 2020 Becca Cawthorne

UK theme for Safer Internet Day 2021 announced

Safer Internet Day is on 9th February 2021 and will be celebrated in the UK with the theme: An internet we trust: exploring…

1 September 2020 Andy Robinson

Helping young people get back to school ready with BBC Own It

The Team at BBC Own It have created a range of content to help young people return to learning.In this…

27 August 2020 UK SIC

What is Triller?

Hear all about the latest app that has been downloaded over 120 million times! This article looks at why so…

20 August 2020 Andy Robinson

SWGfL to Launch New Versions of Online Safety Review Tool

Our partners at SWGfL have re-developed the online self-review tool Online Compass and will be releasing new and more focused…

7 August 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Looking at the impact the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme has

This blog looks at the impact of the Digital Leaders Programme on young people’s online behaviours, confidence, knowledge and wellbeing as well as…

30 July 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Watch online safety films created by young people

During lockdown over 130 young people across the UK got creative and made short films to inspire their peers to…

23 July 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Help your children to have a safe and happy time online this summer holiday

Children and young people across the UK are getting ready to have more free time as the summer holidays get…

21 July 2020 Andy Robinson

New Online Resilience Tool Launched for Professionals

The Professionals Online Safety helpline (POSH) has teamed up with HeadStart Kernow to help create a new Online Resilience Tool.

17 July 2020 Becca Cawthorne

Advice for schools on responding to online challenges

It has come to our attention that reports about online suicide games have been circulating again recently. Our advice on this topic…