Ofcom Releases Online Nation Report
Ofcom has released a new Online Nation report to show data around how people in the UK use the internet.…

Find out how to stay safe when livestreaming to an online audience with supporting guidance and resources available.

Sexual abuse imagery of girls online at record high following pandemic lockdowns
The IWF releases its 2021 Annual Report with the latest global trends in combatting the distribution of child sexual abuse…

Keeping Children Safe in Education – Guidance from the Department for Education
The Department for Education have updated their Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. Discover more about each new update.

Revenge Porn Helpline 2021 Report Launch – Cases and Trends
The 2021 report from the Revenge Porn Helpline has launched, highlighting trends and cases from the year.

Password security – Understanding the basics
In this article, we run down a few key points to remember when it comes to managing and creating your…

New updates from ProjectEVOLVE
ProjectEVOLVE have launched a variety of new updates to further support new and current users.
New resources exploring digital wellbeing
The new Digital Wellbeing page helps professionals, parents and carers support young people as they continue to develop their online…
360 Early Years announced as Bett award winner
360 Early Years was announced as the winner of the Early Years – Digital Product of Service category at the…
Applications to join Childnet’s Youth Advisory Board are closing soon!
We are looking for young people aged 13-16 to join the new Childnet Youth Advisory Board.
VPNs – What you need to know
There are so many options available for VPNs - here are some of the features that you need to be…
How teachers can help to shape the future of Safer Internet Day
Did your school or college celebrate Safer Internet Day 2022? If so, we need your help!