
Teachers and school staff

Cyberbullying Resources for 11-18s

Educational resources about online bullying and kindness from the UK Safer Internet Centre and other organisations.

Cyberbullying Resources for 3-11s

Educational resources about online bullying and kindness from the UK Safer Internet Centre and other organisations.

Social Media Checklists

Our checklists cover safety tips and privacy features for the four most popular social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat,…

Monitoring Integrator responses

We invite monitoring integrators to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Monitoring providers responses

We invite monitoring providers to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Provider Checklists

Filtering and monitoring providers are invited to submit completed checklists to the UK Safer Internet Centre.

Filtering Integrator Responses

We invite filtering integrators to self certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Filtering Provider Responses

We invite filtering providers to self-certify filtering systems using our checklist and their responses are hosted here.

Appropriate Filtering

Guide for education settings and filtering providers about establishing ‘appropriate levels of filtering’

Teaching resources

Lesson plans, resources, guidance, all the information you need to teach online safety in the classroom.

What can I do?

A range of strategies for managing and protecting your online reputation.