Sexual abuse imagery of girls online at record high following pandemic lockdowns
The IWF releases its 2021 Annual Report with the latest global trends in combatting the distribution of child sexual abuse…
Revenge Porn Helpline 2021 Report Launch – Cases and Trends
The 2021 report from the Revenge Porn Helpline has launched, highlighting trends and cases from the year.

ProjectEVOLVE evaluation report launched
A new report has been launched that looks at data collected from ProjectEVOLVE. Read the full report here

The Online Safety Bill Has Been Introduced to Parliament
The Online Safety Bill has been introduced to parliament. Find out what measures and new offences have been brought

The ultimate Safer Internet Day checklist
Your ultimate guide to #PlayYourPart in #SaferInternetDay 2022.

Supporters registration sets new record!
Safer Internet Day 2022 is set to be the biggest yet.

ProjectEVOLVE – Public report published
The ProjectEVOLVE public report has now been published which gives a detailed look into how the toolkit has been used…

Safer Internet Day supporters list surpasses 1000!
We're on track for another huge year for Safer Internet Day on February 8th.
Safer Internet Day 2022 Supporters Registration surpasses 500!
With under a month to go until Safer Internet Day, we are thrilled at the success of the supporters registration.…
A deep dive into Safer Internet Day resources: 3-7s edition
We have created an array of resources to support you in delivering sessions for 3-7 years about Safer Internet Day.