Research topic
142: Tackling Gaming Addiction in the UK
Daria Kuss (Nottingham Trent University) (March, 2019) A summary of the key findings from a report examining how the addictive…
106: Ofcom Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes, Focus on Take Up and Use
Ofcom (Nov 2016) A summary of the results of the Ofcom Children’s Media Literacy Tracker, a large-scale quantitative survey based on…
21: Online gambling and young people
Mark Griffiths, Nottingham Trent University (Nov 2011) A literature review on online gambling among young people.
12: Research highlights for children’s online gaming and addiction: a brief overview of the empirical literature
Mark Griffiths, Nottingham Trent University (Nov 2010) A literature review on children’s online gaming, revealing its incidence and consequences.