Research topic
Inappropriate content online
114: The Impact of Online Pornography on Children and Young People
Dr Elena Martellozzo and Dr Miranda A.H. Horvath, Middlesex University (June 2017) A summary of the results of a large…
105: A Review of the Research on Children and Young People who Display Harmful Sexual Behaviour Online
NSPCC (Nov 2016) A summary of the results of a systematic literature review examining the developmental appropriateness of children and young…
79: EU Kids Online: Developing Social Media Literacy
EU Kids Online (June 2015) A summary of a report presenting the results of a large scale European study which used…
74: Safer Internet Day 2014: Campaign Evaluation
Populus (January 2015) A summary of the results of an online survey of a nationally representative group of adults, teens and…
69: Basically… Porn is Everywhere: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
Middlesex University and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (May 2014) A summary of the results of the Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA)…
67: To Tell Or Not to Tell? Youth’s Responses to Unwanted Internet Experiences
Lund University, Sweden & University of New Hampshire, USA (May 2015) A summary of the results of the large scale and nationally…
61: The Experiences of Children Aged 11-16 on Social Networking Sites
ChildLine (Feb 2014) A summary of a report presenting the results of a large scale, representative online survey of 11-16 year…
60: The Experiences of Children Aged 11-12 on Social Networking Sites
ChildLine (Feb 2014) A summary of a report presenting the results of data collected from 11-12 year olds as part of…
49: EU Kids Online – In their own words: What bothers children online?
EU Kids Online and LSE (Feb 2013) A summary of the results of the analysis of 9,636 responses to the open-ended…
48: Virtually Anorexic – Where's the harm? A research study of pro-anorexia websites
University Campus Suffolk (Nov 2012) A summary of the results of a qualitative study of 126 websites and blogs identified…
47: Safer Internet Day Report – Have your Say: Listening to young people about their online rights and responsibilities
UK Safer Internet Centre (Feb 2013) A summary of the results of the UK’s largest ever survey into young people’s attitudes…