Research topic
Parental attitudes
122: Maximising Opportunities and Minimising Risks for Children Online: The Role of Digital Skills in Emerging Strategies of Parental Mediation
Sonia Livingstone, Kjartan Ólafsson, Ellen Helsper, Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Giuseppe Veltri and Frans Folkvord (Nov 2017) A summary of the results…
121: ‘Sharenting’, Parent Blogging, and the Boundaries of the Digital Self
Professor Sonia Livingstone and Dr Alicia Blum Ross (Nov 2017) A summary of research examining how parent bloggers represent themselves…
96: Sexting and Young People: The Parent's View
NSPCC (August 2016) A summary of the results of a large scale survey undertaken by FACTs International, on behalf of…
93: Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes – Parental Concerns and Mediation
Ofcom (November 2015) A summary of the results of Ofcom Children’s Media Literacy Tracker, a large-scale quantitative survey based on in-home…
83: Net Children Go Mobile: UK Qualitative Research Results
Net Children Go Mobile (July 2015) A summary of the UK results of a larger scale European qualitative study of the perceptions…
81: Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology: A Qualitative Exploratory Study Across Seven Countries
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (June 2015) A summary of a European pilot study undertaken across 7 countries. 70 focus groups…
77: Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes – Parental Mediation
Ofcom (February 2015) A summary of the results of the Ofcom’s Children’s Media Literacy Tracker, a large-scale quantitative survey based on…
75: Net Aware: A Parent's Guide to Social Networking Sites
NSPCC (January 2015) The results of a large scale quantitative study which informed the design of the NSPCC Netaware Guide. The…
57: Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes – Online Concerns and Mediation Report
Ofcom (Oct 2013) A summary of the results of the Ofcom’s Children’s Media Literacy Tracker, a large-scale quantitative survey based on…
51: Safer Internet Day 2013 – Campaign Evaluation
Other Lines (July 2013) A summary of the results of an online survey for children aged 8-12 (N = 523),…
38: Digital Parenting: An Evaluation
The Parent Zone (Aug 2012) A summary of the findings of the evaluation of the Digital Parenting Magazine resource produced by…