Research topic
Positive opportunities online
115: Net Aware Report 2017: “Freedom to Express Myself Safely”
NSPCC (Sept 2017) A summary of the results of a large scale study examining the opportunities and risks experienced by young…
106: Ofcom Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes, Focus on Take Up and Use
Ofcom (Nov 2016) A summary of the results of the Ofcom Children’s Media Literacy Tracker, a large-scale quantitative survey based on…
91: Safer Internet Day 2016 Creating a Better Internet for All
UK Safer Internet Centre / ResearchBods (February 2016) A summary of the results of an online survey of young peoples’ attitudes,…
71: Net Children Go Mobile: The UK Report
Net Children Go Mobile and EU Kids Online (July 2014) A summary of the results of the UK (N = 516)…
66: What do 17,000 children in London tell us about online safety? The London Esafety Report
3BM and London Grid for Learning (March 2014) A summary of the main findings and messages from the London Esafety Report. This…
56: Country Classification – Opportunities, Risks, Harm and Parental Mediation
EU Kids Online and LSE (Sept 2013) A summary of a report which updates and deepens understanding of cross-national differences among the…
37: Towards a better internet for children: Findings and recommendations from EU Kids Online to inform the CEO coalition
EU Kids Online (Jun 2012) A summary of the report presenting new findings and analysis of the EU Kids Online…
19: Vulnerable young people, social media and e-safety
Stephen Carrick-Davies (July 2011) A small scale qualitative study on vulnerable young people’s use of social media and mobile phones,…