Research topic
96: Sexting and Young People: The Parent's View
NSPCC (August 2016) A summary of the results of a large scale survey undertaken by FACTs International, on behalf of…
91: Safer Internet Day 2016 Creating a Better Internet for All
UK Safer Internet Centre / ResearchBods (February 2016) A summary of the results of an online survey of young peoples’ attitudes,…
88: ISEC Illegal Use of the Internet Project — Stakeholder Consultation
Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies, Middlesex University (November 2015) A summary of the results of a small scale stakeholder consultation…
83: Net Children Go Mobile: UK Qualitative Research Results
Net Children Go Mobile (July 2015) A summary of the UK results of a larger scale European qualitative study of the perceptions…
82: Net Children Go Mobile: European Qualitative Research Results
Net Children Go Mobile (July 2015) A summary of a large scale European qualitative study of the perceptions and perspectives of…
80: EU Kids Online: The Meaning of Online Problematic Situations for Children
EU Kids Online (June 2015) A summary of a report presenting the results of a large scale European study which used…
79: EU Kids Online: Developing Social Media Literacy
EU Kids Online (June 2015) A summary of a report presenting the results of a large scale European study which used…
74: Safer Internet Day 2014: Campaign Evaluation
Populus (January 2015) A summary of the results of an online survey of a nationally representative group of adults, teens and…
71: Net Children Go Mobile: The UK Report
Net Children Go Mobile and EU Kids Online (July 2014) A summary of the results of the UK (N = 516)…
70: Net Children Go Mobile: Risks and Opportunities
Net Children Go Mobile (May 2014) A summary of the results of the Net Children Go Mobile in-home survey conducted among 3,500…
69: Basically… Porn is Everywhere: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
Middlesex University and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (May 2014) A summary of the results of the Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA)…
68: The Cybersurvey for Suffolk
Adrienne Katz, Youth Work Consulting (May 2014) A summary of the results of the Suffolk Cybersurvey 2013 which aimed to inform the…