UK Safer Internet Centre Blog
Exploring critical thinking online
This Safer Internet Day we are helping to build key digital skills for a digital generation; and critical thinking is…
In the sixth photo of the series, young people explore the brief ‘Personal information clues’ to stage a photo that reveals hidden clues to…
In the tenth photo of the series, young people explore the brief ‘Personal information clues’ to stage a photo that reveals hidden clues…
In the fourth photo of the series, young people explore the brief ‘Personal information clues’ to stage a photo that reveals hidden clues…
Safer Internet Day Photography Campaign
Our national youth photography campaign explores the power of images in digital youth culture.
How to avoid in-app purchases
We’ve given our top tips for avoiding accidental in-app purchases..
Safer Internet Day 2017 set to be biggest yet as free resources launched to help schools get involved on 7 Feb
To help schools get involved on 7th February 2017, the UK Safer Internet Centre has launched a range of new…