Digital Literacy
UK Safer Internet Centre welcomes the enforcement of Ofcom’s Illegal Harms Codes but there are still significant gaps to address
The UKSIC welcomes Ofcom’s enforcement on the Illegal Harms Codes, marking a significant milestone in protecting individuals from illegal harms…
Safer Internet Day 2025 – Educating Liverpool Schools
The UK Safer Internet Centre visited Liverpool Football Club to educate school children about online scams, and to celebrate Safer…
Join the UK Safer Internet Centre for Stakeholder Events in Wales and Scotland!
Stakeholders in Wales and Scotland are invited to join the UK Safer Internet Centre for two pivotal stakeholder events, as…
Report reveals the current state of online safety in schools across England
The latest 360 Degree Safe report on online safety in English schools reveals a surprising and concerning slowdown in progress.
ProjectEVOLVE 2024 Report: Key Insights on Digital Literacy in UK Schools
The ProjectEVOLVE 2024 report, offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of online safety and digital literacy education in the…
Snapchat includes new features to protect against sextortion
Snapchat has announced some new features aimed to support users against sextortion and other online harms.
UK Safer Internet Centre manifesto calls for stronger protections from the Government
The UKSIC has put together a five-point plan that we urge the Government to act on in the protection of…
New interactive learning resource from Childnet looking at reliability online
We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new, interactive and gamified resource helping young people to decide…
New feedback feature for UK Safer Internet Centre website
This new feature is there for users to rate our guidance and articles to see how much value the information…
SWGfL Launches ProjectEVOLVE EDU – Online Training for Educators
ProjectEVOLVE EDU is a new professional development platform focusing on digital literacy and online safety for educators.
New resource from Childnet – Championing youth voice this LGBT+ History Month
February is LGBT+ History Month, and to celebrate UK Safer Internet Centre partner Childnet have created a poster for you…
How the UK Safer Internet Centre Celebrated Safer Internet Day in Liverpool!
The UK Safer Internet Centre team were in Liverpool to celebrate Safer Internet Day. Find out what happened in this…